About Us

Too many children in the Inland Empire live in homes with few or no books and attend schools and programs where books-to-take-home are in short supply. Encouraging children to read is futile when books are not available.
The books are donated or purchased using donated dollars. Gently used books are cleaned, sorted by reading level. Books are then packaged and delivered to schools where every student receives an age and fluency-appropriate book. The Inland Empire Children’s Book Project helps to build literacy by putting books into the hands of children who have little or no access to them.
We were founded in 2014 and since opening our doors, despite being closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have given out more than 100,000 books.
The books are donated or purchased using donated dollars. Gently used books are cleaned, sorted by reading level. Books are then packaged and delivered to schools where every student receives an age and fluency-appropriate book. The Inland Empire Children’s Book Project helps to build literacy by putting books into the hands of children who have little or no access to them.
We were founded in 2014 and since opening our doors, despite being closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have given out more than 100,000 books.
Board of Directors
Bernice Lowenstein, Chair
CPA, San Bernardino, Retired
Erin Brinker
Radio Broadcaster and Nonprofit Director
Tobin Brinker
Middle School Teacher
Rabbi Hillel Cohn (Member Emeritus)
Rabbi, Retired
Art Gallardo
Elementary School Principal, San Bernardino, Retired
Eileen Gallardo
Human Resources Manager, Retired
Barry Lowenstein
Systems Engineer, San Bernardino, Retired
Susan Shimoff
Professor Emeritus, San Bernardino Valley College
CPA, San Bernardino, Retired
Erin Brinker
Radio Broadcaster and Nonprofit Director
Tobin Brinker
Middle School Teacher
Rabbi Hillel Cohn (Member Emeritus)
Rabbi, Retired
Art Gallardo
Elementary School Principal, San Bernardino, Retired
Eileen Gallardo
Human Resources Manager, Retired
Barry Lowenstein
Systems Engineer, San Bernardino, Retired
Susan Shimoff
Professor Emeritus, San Bernardino Valley College
Service Clubs
For more information about volunteering time, collecting and donating books please call
(909) 577-2584 or send an email to volunteers@iecbp.org.
(909) 577-2584 or send an email to volunteers@iecbp.org.